01708 607444
01708 607722


The Derry Court Medical Practice now have the capability to offer video consultations to our patients. The aim is to help GPs reduce the number of visits to surgeries – preventing the risk of practice closure and ensuring vital GP services remain in place. If you would like to be consulted via video, please inform reception when booking the telephone appointment or note it on your online telephone appointment.

Face Masks

We are aware of the confusion in the country about the wearing of face masks from Monday, the 19th. Given that cases of the COVID-19 infections are rising as well as the fact that infection prevention and control guidance have not changed, we would like to reassure everyone coming to the surgery that we take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of catching the infection at the surgery.

People come to the GP surgery when they are ill. Some people are vulnerable and may have a compromised immune system. These are just part of the reasons why we have concluded that our infection prevention and control measures would not change. We will continue to ask anyone coming to the surgery to wear a mask to cover the mouth and the nose at all times. We have your medical records so we will be able to deal with people who believe they should be exempt from wearing a mask on a case by case basis. We would also advise that you maintain a 2-metre distance from other patients as much as possible and use the hand sanitiser when you enter the surgery.

Please work with us to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Thank you

Latest Covid Update

We would like to encourage everyone to have their vaccine when your turn comes. We have all heard the lies and negative messages about the vaccines. However the evidence is that the vaccines are overall very safe and effective. If you would like to discuss your specific doubt with any of our clinicians please make an appointment.

As we return to some level of normal activity, it is important to remind everyone that we still encourage people to use our online services if you have access to the internet. You can book your appointments or request your repeat medications online. This is always easier and faster.
We have been calling patients first before offering face to face appointments here at this surgery well before the pandemic. It may not be perfect but we believe it makes it easier to offer more appointments to patients. There are many conditions that doctors are able to manage over the phone. This means people who need to be seen are able to be seen in a timely manner. We now have the added advantage of being able to carry out video consultations or request pictures where appropriate. We believe these are positive tools we now have and we will continue to use them where appropriate. This means on a given day the clinician may decide that your condition does not need a face to face assessment. Another person may need that face to face assessment. Next time it may be the other way round where you need the face to face assessment and not the other person.

If you attend any appointment at the surgery with any clinician, we would require that you wear a mask when you get here for your appointment. We have masks that we will give and request that you wear the mask at all times during your appointment, to cover your mouth and nose during the whole period while you are in the surgery. We have not seen any convincing list of reasons to be exempt from wearing masks. However since we have your medical records we will be able to judge on a case by case basis if you are genuinely not able to wear masks. We may decide not to carry out a face to face appointment if you refuse to wear the mask we offer, or to cover your mouth or nose at any point during your consultation. This is not something we want to do but we have to protect the service for all our patients. This means our staff should be protected from the Coronavirus infection in the same way we will do everything we can to protect you during your consultation.
We are working hard to carry out reviews of long term conditions. Please if you book an appointment that you cannot attend for any reason, cancel the appointment in time so that we can offer the appointment to another person.

There are delays in getting to see consultants or having blood tests done. This is beyond our control. We therefore ask that you do not vent your frustrations on us. Even where we write on your referral that it is urgent, the hospital still decides whether it is urgent or not.

We hope the pandemic goes away and we get back to the times before the pandemic. Until then please let us keep each other safe.

Thank you

Mental Health

We would like to express our deepest condolences to any of you who lost family or friend during the difficult year we have gone through.
We are pleased that the pandemic is easing and the restrictions are gradually being lifted. It is positive that we are all now able to go out more and meet friends and family. We hope that this will impact positively on our individual and collective mental health.
We would, however, like to point out that the pandemic has not been declared over. It has not stopped. There is still a risk of people catching Coronavirus infection. Unfortunately, some people will not be so lucky as to simply fight the infection off. Some develop complications or worse. We are aware of the several people who are suffering the after effects of the Coronavirus infection. Thankfully, there is a dedicated clinic where we can refer people for support and further investigation. If you believe you are still suffering from any effects of the Coronavirus infect, please contact us to discuss your condition.
We know many of you have suffered mentally. There is support available. Adults can contact Thurrock Inclusion for support on 01375 898 680. If your child is suffering from a mental health condition, you may contact the child's school for mental health support or call 0300 300 1600 to access the EWMHS during working hours 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. However, if an adult or child is suffering from a significant mental health condition, please contact the surgery to speak to one of our clinicians. There is emergency mental health support available among the NHS 111 options. You may also find this useful:
TEXT: 85258


As we return to some level of normal activity, it is important to remind everyone that we still encourage people to use our online services if you have access to the internet. You can book your appointments or request your repeat medications online. This is always easier and faster.

We have been calling patients first before offering face to face appointments here at this surgery well before the pandemic. It may not be perfect but we believe it makes it easier to offer more appointments to patients. There are many conditions that doctors are able to manage over the phone. This means people who need to be seen are able to be seen in a timely manner. We now have the added advantage of being able to carry out video consultations or request pictures where appropriate. We believe these are positive tools we now have and we will continue to use them where appropriate. This means on a given day the clinician may decide that your condition does not need a face to face assessment. Another person may need that face to face assessment. Next time it may be the other way round where you need the face to face assessment and not the other person.

If you attend any appointment at the surgery with any clinician, we would require that you wear a mask when you get here for your appointment. We have masks that we will give and request that you wear the mask at all times during your appointment, to cover your mouth and nose during the whole period while you are in the surgery. We have not seen any convincing list of reasons to be exempt from wearing masks but we will understand if people with Dementia or Learning disabilities are not able to wear masks. We may decide not to carry out a face to face appointment if you refuse to wear the mask we offer, or to cover your mouth or nose at any point during your consultation. This is not something we want to do but we have to protect the service for all our patients. This means our staff should be protected from the Coronavirus infection in the same way we will do everything we can to protect you during your consultation.
We are working hard to carry out reviews of long term conditions. Please if you book an appointment that you cannot attend for any reason, cancel the appointment in time so that we can offer the appointment to another person.

There are delays in getting to see consultants or having blood tests done. This is beyond our control. We therefore ask that you do not vent your frustrations on us. Even where we write on your referral that it is urgent, the hospital still decides whether it is urgent or not.

We hope the pandemic goes away and we get back to the times before the pandemic. Until then please let us keep each other safe.

Thank you

Coronavirus Update

We continue to face difficult times in relation to the Coronavirus though the government has decided that it is now alright to ease the lockdown. While this is good news in that we can move around more freely, it is important to remember that the Coronavirus is still affecting people in the country as well as in our community. We therefore must be careful to follow the government advice on social distancing, hand hygiene and be careful to avoid putting ourselves in situations that will increase our risks of catching the Coronavirus.
People who were asked to shield can now go out as advised by the government. Please ensure you follow the government's advice carefully and look after yourself.
We appreciate the challenges and difficulties the virus has caused to you. We remain committed to support you from the healthcare perspective as much as possible. If you would like to have psychological support please call INCLUSION THURROCK on 01375 898680.
For your healthcare needs, please continue to call the surgery at the usual opening hours:
• For appointments or to speak to a doctor please call from 8am to 12 noon or book online.
• For repeat prescriptions please contact reception to get online password to request online or call reception during the surgery opening hours
• To bring letters or ask about general non-medical or admin issues please send email to:
Please DO NOT use the email to request appointments as we will not book appointments from emails. You may also drop letters through the door.
• Please do not attend to the surgery unless you have first spoken to someone at the surgery and you have been asked to attend. We are limited by the space and lack of adequate ventilation in the building so we are not able to accommodate many people at a time. We are therefore not able to return to the usual way of letting people attend the surgery freely. However, this should not reduce your access to the services we provide.
We are increasing the review of chronic conditions. We have been contacting Diabetes patients and people with chronic bronchitis. We will be expanding these reviews in a structured way to include people on any long term medications. Please call back when you are invited as we will be contacting people in groups.
Unfortunately access to blood tests and other investigations remain limited beyond our control. Other services including hospital appointments and things like physiotherapy are also not fully functioning at this stage. However, if you feel ill, do not hesitate to seek emergency help. All emergency services are fully available so do not be worried about seeking help when you need it.
We have introduced video consultations, which allow us to manage a lot more conditions than by telephone alone. However, in certain cases, we may ask you to come to be examined. We will discuss your condition as much as possible over the phone before you come to be examined so that the time you spend at the surgery will be as short as possible. When coming to the surgery, please wear a mask or face.
Please continue to follow government advice and keep safe.
Thank you.

The Derry Court Medical Practice

Letter to Patient

Dear valued patient,

As you may be aware events in the country about the Coronavirus are developing very fast. Many GP surgeries across the country are resorting to drastic measures to try and protect their patients, the public and their staff by doing remote consultations, including telephone and video consultations.
We have decided to take similar measures and limit access to the surgery. From now on, till further notice, we will speak to and manage most people over the phone. The surgery doors will be shut and you can only come in if told to do so.
We are much better experienced at doing telephone consultations than most GP surgeries in the country as we have been doing this for 6 years now. We just have to expand it now.

Request for medications

1. Please register for online access to request your repeat medications.
2. You can call reception for your repeat medications.
3. Please allow at least 5 working days for your request to be processed.

Coming to surgery

Do not come to the surgery for anything unless told over the phone to come in. You can call the phone numbers to speak to us about your concerns and test results. If we ask you to attend the surgery, we may give you a mask to wear when you enter. Please wear this all the time you are in the surgery.
We wanted to increase Skype consultations but we are waiting for further guidance on this.

When you arrive at the practice, we will check your temperature and may ask you to leave if your temperature is raised.
We will request that you attend appointments alone if at all possible. However for children and those who depend on others to bring them, we would advise that no more than 1 individual brings you.
Please do not bring your other children if they do not have an appointment.
All adults may be asked to wear gloves and a mask while they are at the surgery for their appointment.
You will be attended to in the usual manner.
Please follow the news and take the advice of the government and its advisers. As the Prime minister warned, this is a serious condition. However, we hope by taking these difficult steps together, we can protect and look after each other.

Thank you.

Rescue Pack

We have been made aware of some inaccurate information circulating regarding special 'rescue packs' for patients with pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Please do not contact your GP practice for a rescue pack. You should continue to manage your condition in the usual way and if you feel you have symptoms of COVID-19, go to


before doing anything else.

Please read this helpful information from the British Lung Foundation


You will note that there is no recommendation to have a rescue pack as there is no evidence for their use and indeed there are concerns that steroids will reduce your immunity if fighting off this virus.

We aim to provide a high level of patient care. We do this by treating patients with dignity, respect and honesty. We work to protect and promote overall health and wellbeing in a nourishing and caring environment improving lives and ensuring that everyone counts as a worker and a user of the NHS.

View Our Mission Statement


Online Service

If you wish to make your appointment or order your prescriptions online please contact the surgery who will provide you with details to access this service. For those patients who already have a password, please click below:

SystemOnline Log In

Feel free to download our Practice Booklet

Latest News

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Practice Hours

MONDAY: 8:00 - 18:30
TUESDAY: 8:00 - 18:30 (Every second Tuesday of the month we close at 13:00)
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 - 18:30
THURSDAY: 8:00 - 18:30
FRIDAY: 8:00 - 18:30
SATURDAY: Pre-bookable nurse appointments via reception

The surgery closes each day at 1.00pm and re-opens at 2.00pm.


The Derry Court Medical Practice
Unit 2/3, Derry Court, Derry Avenue
South Ockendon, Essex, RM15 5GN


TELEPHONE: 01708 607444 / 01708 607722
FAX: 01708 852276

Coronavirus update:

Please note, if you think you may have contracted the virus or would like to have a test, contact NHS 111 only.
Tests are only arranged by NHS 111.
GPs cannot test or give you results of your test.
If you have been in contact with any person found to have the Conronavirus, or have been to the highly affected countries, please follow advice given by NHS 111 and do not come to the GP surgery.
Thank you
The Derry Court Medical Practice




NHS 111

In the case of urgent need when the practice is closed you can call NHS 111 on 111 to speak to a triage nurse. Your needs will be assessed and advice offered or arrangements made for you to see a doctor.

Acute Emergencies

Always dial 999 in an Acute emergency. Symptoms such as chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.